40 Easy Tricks to Maximize Your Conversion Rate

40 Easy Tricks to Maximize Your Conversion Rate

Many businesses underestimate the role of a website. They often treat it as a necessary expense to prove their business exists online. What other role should it fill?

An effective website should be your business’s top salesperson.

With the right design, it will work like a conversion machine. Consider the following tips to begin transforming visitors to leads, leads to customers, and customers to lifelong promoters.

  1. Keep every form on your website as short as possible. Don’t discourage users from submitting information.

  2. If you offer free shipping, give it a permanent display at the top of each page

  3. Test calls-to-action every so often for bugs.

  4. Stop talking about what your company can do and start focusing on the customer.

  5. Every so often, review your past blog posts and update links and information.

  6. Limit your navigation to what’s vital.

  7. Repeatedly check your website text for grammatical errors. They can turn off customers and cause mistrust.

  8. Establish trust by responding to any online complaints.

  9. Avoid using long paragraphs at all costs, try 3 sentences or less per paragraph.

  10. Keep important text short and to the point.

  11. Offer bonus gifts with content offers or purchases.

  12. If a large audience is located in a foreign area, specify that you ship (free?) to that location.

  13. Take navigation and all other distractions out of your landing pages.

  14. Don’t underestimate the effects of whitespace. Use it to emphasize important text and calls-to-action.

  15. Customize your email marketing, not only by name but the content as well.

  16. Conduct A/B testing on different call-to-action buttons. Try ‘Click Here’ instead of ‘Download Now’.

  17. Keep in mind that often users skim past the middle of your text, situate important information at the beginning and end.

  18. Handpick call-to-actions to fit each blog post.

  19. If you include images in your services or home page, make sure their design compliments each other.

  20. Break forms into user-friendly steps, like your checkout process or contact form.

  21. Use urgent claims like ‘Offer Ends Soon’, but use them sparingly.

  22. Define your buyer personas and plan unique campaigns to target each one.

  23. Try adding a live chat box to your website.

  24. Don’t ask for irrelevant information on forms. Users become frustrated and suspicious when you require their address to download a content offer.

  25. Use a real name as the sender of marketing emails.

  26. Be upfront about any fees or extra challenges.

  27. Ask friends and family to scan your website and give suggestions.

  28. Meet with members of your business once a month to discuss new ideas for promotions.

  29. Use keywords to help SEO but don’t sacrifice readability.

  30. Consumers love customer reviews. Include a spot for them on your navigation bar.

  31. Keep a note of customer questions and be sure to add frequent ones to your FAQ.

  32. Always include an unsubscribe button on marketing emails.

  33. Display social sharing buttons prominently.

  34. Review content offer benefits with bullet points on your landing page.

  35. Add an incentive for customers to leave reviews, like a coupon.

  36. Assume visitors ask on each page “How long will this take?” and always answer their question for long processes.

  37. Encourage participation with an interactive quiz.

  38. Use a data-based website strategy like growth-driven design.

  39. Display customer video testimonials which will feel more credible to viewers.

  40. Address concerns that are unique to their persona.

With these tips your website will be on it’s way to becoming your business’s top salesperson. If we missed something or you have a question, leave us a comment below!

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