The Top 6 Google Metrics Your Business Needs to Pay Attention To

Google Analytics Landing Pages

There are countless SEO and web metric tools available, but what about going to the source?

Google offers many free data-based metrics that you can access any time. But with thousands of data points, what is your business supposed to pay attention to?

Here are the top 6 Google metrics you need to focus on.

1. Google index (

Ever Googled yourself? Of course you have.

Your results don’t necessarily give a clear indication of rankings, nor results. 

Google’s index shows a snapshot of its record of the internet and, therefore, the results that can be churned up. If you’re not in the index, you’re not showing up for potential searchers. 

Try the site command in order to see what pages Google has indexed of your site. Simply type: “site:[]” and you’ll see a list of every page Google has indexed and how it can potentially look to searchers.

2. Bounce rate (Google Analytics)

As a user experience indicator, bounce rates (or the percentage of visitors who visit only one page) are now being incorporated into the Google Search algorithm. 

Ensure your bounce rate stays low by watching this metric and taking action on any pages with a high bounce rate.

3. Conversions (Google Analytics)

You’re in business to make sales. Google Analytics can track those sales…plus plenty of other conversions in the Goals section.

Simply create your goals within your Admin area and you’ll be well on your way to tracking conversions. Don’t forget: conversions can include downloads, contact form signups, sales, and much more.

4. Core web vitals (Google Search Console)

Newly added to Google’s ranking algorithm, Core Web Vitals are based on Google’s understanding of user experience. 

The good news: Google is giving you an inside look at how you can improve your pages to enhance usability (and therefore your rankings) within Google Search Console.

5. Coverage errors (Google Search Console)

There’s not much worse than discovering an error on your website after your visitors have found it. Start being proactive with your website errors by using the Google Search Console Coverage section to view errors.

Search Console will also update you via email if and when errors occur. That way, you’re the first to know!

6. Performance (Google Search Console)

Some of the most powerful data you’ll get from a Google product? Search engine rankings.

In the Performance section of Google Search Console, you’ll find data for total clicks to your website, impressions, average CTR (click through rate), and average position for commonly used search terms.

This invaluable data breaks down by queries (or search terms), pages, and much more.

In short, you’ll be able to see in-depth ranking data for your website based on the keywords your site visitors are actually using.

These six metrics will do wonders in enhancing your SEO and your success in Google.

And if you need help optimizing your website for Google, contact us at OSC Web Design. 

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I've been helping companies successfully launch websites and market for over a decade. I like to focus on finding ways to make your company more efficient by looking to take your offline work and bring it online for you.

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