7 Details Your Business Needs to Know About Content (It Could Save You Money!)

7 Details Your Business Needs to Know About Content (It Could Save You Money!)

The term “Quality Content” may not ring a bell when you consider marketing for your business, but we guarantee you have been marketed to while exploring the internet with this strategy countless times. Content can be found in many different forms: blogs, white papers, videos, webinars, podcasts.. It’s all about providing consistent education relevant to your services with a goal in mind.

The goal? After consumers have gathered the information required to make a purchase decision, they will purchase through the business that has been teaching them all along- your business.

Is It Really Worth My Time?

Okay.. Maybe the consumer will buy from your business in the end, but all that content creation sounds like a lot of work with no certainty, right? Of course nothing can be for certain, but after conducting a little research on the facts you may discern some significance. This one, for example:

90% of consumers find custom content useful and 78% believe that organizations providing custom content are interested in building good relationships with them.

Or how about this one?

76% of B2B marketers say they will produce more content in 2016.

Content creation has been been on a steady uprise ever since marketers began perceiving the remarkable results. After acknowledging the amount of research, time and effort that is necessary for quality content production, a new job title was developed: content creator. Web design companies offer this as an additional service for businesses that are too busy to compile consistent content.

Is It Really Worth My Money?

If you’re using traditional “outbound” marketing (advertisements aimed towards a target audience) the results generated are often minimal and sometimes even destructive. Newspaper, magazine and TV ad results are plummeting at an alarming rate. Consumers are going where they can simply skip through and click out of advertisements: online.
The advertisements that are able to attract consideration at all, are typically the ones that are extra annoying. Flashing images and bright colors might earn a consumer’s attention, but only long enough for them to read your company’s name and attach a negative connotation. Not only does traditional outbound marketing bring in less leads for your business, it snags more of your capital! Take a look at the average cost of outbound marketing vs. content creation (inbound) marketing.


To answer the original question, “Is it worth my money?”, let’s consider these points:

  1. Every time your business shares content it is a valuable commodity to potential customers, gaining their trust and good opinion.
  2. Although content creation takes more time and effort, web designers have services that will take care of this for you.
  3. The more information a consumer has about your company’s services, the closer they are to being purchase-ready.
  4. Quality content is likely to be shared by readers via social media and private messages.
  5. Once the content is created and posted, it becomes a source of repeated positive exposure for your business that is virtually endless.
  6. No more traditional outbound ads for consumers to find bothersome.
  7. Content marketing is less harsh on the budget and has a weightier compensation.

What do you think? If you believe this fresh new approach to marketing is for your business, check out our other articles below!

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